Our natural instinct when taking a stumble is to fall on our hands to protect ourselves. Next to your head, your hands are the next body part to get busted up in a fall.
Despite this, I’ve seen a lot of people rolling around without gloves. Other times I’ll come across someone wearing standard work gloves when riding. Are they wrong to do this? After all, they are wearing gloves, aren’t they?
It’s important to know that standard work gloves are not stitched for impact resistance or abrasions. They have no knuckle or wrist protection either. That means if you spill out and hit the pavement at speed, they will not save your hands from the cheese grater that is asphalt.
A “good” pair of motorcycle gloves is perhaps one of the most important pieces of bike gear that a rider needs to buy. A "great" pair of motorcycle gloves, however, will feel like an extension of your own second skin and provide an extra layer of grip for control, warmth, and safety protection in any riding condition.
What’s more, a “good” pair of motorcycle gloves isn’t that much more expensive than your typical work gloves but will save your hands because they’re designed for riding.
Keep your hands protected and scar-free with a new pair of motorcycle gloves.